In the aftermath of losing yet another beloved crew, the men of "Load of Bull" try to cling to whatever they can to help them cope with the bleak reality that is their future. Meanwhile, The Boss hatches a plan to help motivate Timothy into being the best bombarder in the 8th Air Force, but little does he realize, his plan has severely backfired.
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If you'd like to donate to the Podcast and help support us, please visit and you'll get bonus content every week.
In the aftermath of losing yet another beloved crew, the men of "Load of Bull" try to cling to whatever they can to help them cope with the bleak reality that is their future. Meanwhile, The Boss hatches a plan to help motivate Timothy into being the best bombarder in the 8th Air Force, but little does he realize, his plan has severely backfired.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, or constructive criticism by privately messaging me through one of the various SNAFU Social Media Pages. Also, check out our website for more information by clicking here!
If you'd like to donate to the Podcast and help support us, please visit and you'll get bonus content every week.
If you'd like to donate to the Podcast and help support us, please visit and you'll get bonus content every week.